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Rights and Responsibilities

PATIENT RIGHTS: These rights can be exercised in the patient’s behalf by a designated person, if the patient lacks decision-making capacity, is legally incompetent, or is a minor.

You have the right to considerate, respectful and compassionate carewhich respects your cultural, psychosocial, religious, spiritual and personal values, beliefs, and preferences.

You have the right to receive care in an environment the preserves dignity, is safe, and free of abuse, neglect, harassment or exploitation and contributes to a positive self-image.

You have the right to know the name and role(s) of the individual(s) responsible for the delivery of your care, treatment and services.

You have the right to current and understandable information and effective communication concerning your diagnosis, treatment, pain, alternatives and prognosis. You have the right to interpretive services to promote clear understanding.

You have the right to participate in decisions about your plan of care; you may refuse a treatment plan to the extent permitted by law, and you will be informed of the consequences of such refusal. At your request, you have the right to a second opinion.

You have the right to give or withhold informed consent to produce or use recordings, films, or other images of the patient for purposes other than his or her care.

You have the right to have your advance directive such as a Living Will, or Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care respected to the extent permitted by law. You have a right to receive information about creating an Advanced Directive enabling someone to make health care decisions for you if you are unable.

You have the right to pain evaluation and involvement in pain management decisions.

You have the right to be free of restraints that are not medically necessary or are used inappropriately.

You have the right to be free of abuse and to access advocacy or protective service agencies.

You have the right to spiritual care and religious support services consistent with personal beliefs.

You have the right to request a family member, friend or care provider be notified that you are under the care of this facility

You have the right to full consideration of your privacy and confidentiality in care discussions, examinations and treatments. You have the right to expect protection and confidentiality of your medical records to the extent permitted by law.

You have the right to access records pertaining to your medical care and to have the information explained, request amendment to, or receive an accounting of disclosures regarding your health information except when restricted by law. You have the right to obtain a copy of your medical record.

You have the right to ask and be informed of business relationships that may influence your care.

You have the right to consent or decline participation in proposed medical research. Refusal or withdrawal from a research study will not compromise future access to care, treatment and services.

You have the right to receive the visitors whom you designate, including, but not limited to, your spouse, a domestic partner (including same sex domestic partner), another family member, or a friend. A support person of the patient’s choice may be present unless the individual’s presence infringes on others’ right, safety, or is medically or therapeutically contraindicated. The individual may or may not be the patient’s surrogate decision-maker or legally authorized representative. You also have the right to withdraw or deny their consent to visitation at any time.

You have the right to have the compliments, concerns and complaints addressed. Should you or your designated guardian, advocate, support person or representative feel at any time that your rights as a patient have been violated or you wish to share a compliment, concern or complaint, please share it with your doctors, nurses or nurses directors. You may also contact the CARELINE at by dialing extension 3227. We welcome information that might help us treat you more effectively and no complaint will compromise future access to care, treatment or services. You also have a right to voice a complaint and recommend changes freely without fear of being subjected to coercion, discrimination, reprisal or unreasonable interruption of care.

PATIENT RESPONSIBILITIES: As a patient you are expected to assume a share of the responsibility for your health care.

You are responsible for providing complete and accurate information about your health, past illnesses, hospitalization, medications and other matters relating to your medical history and personal data to include address, telephone number, date of birth, Social Security Number, insurance and employer.

You are responsible for furnishing information about any advance directive you have established (Living Will or Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care) and provide a copy for your record.

You are responsible for asking questions of your provider(s) if you do not understand medical explanations or treatment plans.

You are responsible for following your plan of care including purchasing supplies, medications and other items required for self-care at home. If you are unable or unwilling to follow the plan of care, you are responsible for informing your care provider who will explain the potential medical risks of not following the recommended treatment. You are responsible for the outcomes of not following your plan of care.

You are responsible for notifying your care providers of problems or complaints. If you do not gain satisfaction or you wish to speak with someone not involved in your care, you may call the CARELINE at extension 3227.

 You are responsible for extending courtesy and respect to VCU Health CMH employees, fellow patients and visitors. You are responsible for following VCU Health CMH rules and safety regulations. You are responsible for being respectful of others’ property.

You are responsible for meeting your financial obligation to VCU Health CMH, including providing complete and accurate information for financial screening.

We appreciate you choosing VCU Health Community Memorial Hospital for your healthcare needs and will fulfill our commitment to YOU!